What do we want when a child goes missing or is abused or pushed into forced labour? Our instinct is to somehow come to the help of the child, to protect him or her from harm, to restore him/her to the safety of his or her parents or guardians. We want to do this without losing time. Nobody can or should endure exploitation of a Child even for a minute. We want justice for the child and prosecution under the law against the trafficker/abuser/kidnapper. We want every child to always feel safe, secure and loved.
To enable a concerned citizen to and the Society at large make an immediate effective intervention on behalf of the Child in distress the Bachpan Bachao Andolan (BBA) operates a 24-hour Complaints Cell where complaints related to missing children, child labour, child trafficking and child abuse in any form can be lodged. Since 1980, responsible citizens have been giving tips to the team so that children could be rescued from abusive environments.
Toll free Complaint Cell number 1800-102-7222 was launched in 2018 to make this process more systematic and expand our services across India. As information about this facility is getting communicated to the public the number of complaints received is rising . These are nearing 1,000 already.
Complaints that can be reported:
- Complaints relating to distress arising from the ongoing Covid -19 pandemic. Calls have been received from migrant workers, children, and parent among others We have been providing them the support
- Cases of Child labour.These could be in factories,shops,dhabaas/restraunts,unorganized sector employment.etc
- Cases of children being or having been subject to trafficking ie removed from home/ family and under deception or force taken/transported and illegally forced into labour and modern day slavery.
- Missing children
- Child sexual abuse, including online pornography related abuse.
- Children forced into commercial sex or subject to sex trafficking
- Children engaged in domestic labour as servants and helpers.
- Cases of child beggary.
- Child marriage.
Who can lodge complaints: -
- Child victims themselves
- Parents/legal guardian
- NGOs
- Relatives
- Witness, including children witnesses who may be privy to the abuse.
- Government agencies
- Or, Anyone who cares for children safety and well being can complain, whoever sees a child in distress.
How Can You Complaint
- Call 1800-102-7222: Anyone can call at our helpline 24×7, reporting any form of abuse against children
- Email us: complaints@bba.org.in
A Timely Intervention
When 14-year-old Jyoti (namechanged),of Barbara village under Babubarhi police station in Madhubani district, Bihar, went missing, her parents approached BBA through the ComplaintsCell. They suspected the coaching centre she went to for lesson and a teacher who taught there was thought to be linked to her disappearance.The local police were also reluctant in filing a case. The Complaint Cell team took charge of the matter and made sure an FIR under Section 366A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) was registered. The team circulated information to Government Railway Police (GRP) and neighbouring railways station. Because the team understood that this a crucial time and we would be able to track Jyoti only when the entire network is actively searching for them. The intervention worked and Jyoti was found within 48 hours with the boy who was then arrested for luring her.
What you can do
- Be vigilant citizen if you see child rights violation contact us
- All the information about the complainant would be kept anonymous
- Donate and Support our initiative so that we can extend our interventions