On 16th January 2022, a 16 -years old girl child was rescued from a household in C Block, Preet Vihar area of New Delhi. The rescue operation was conducted in coordination with the police station Preet Vihar, Mission Mukti Foundation, Childline and BBA. The girl was trafficked from Siliguri and landed at a placement agency in Delhi. The child was working as a domestic help from past 1.5 years and was not able to go back to her home.
The girl child was sexually abused by the placement agency member who threatened her incase she revealed about the abuse to anyone. The placement agent also confiscated her earnings.
Daily diary entry has been filed in the case. A statement before SDM has been recorded and the child has been produced before the CWC.
The complaint has been registered under the sections of Child Labour At, JJ Act, Bonded Labour Act, Trafficking, and POCSO Act.